Magic of Life

Hi everybody! I am so so sorry about posting really late today! I have been super busy with my personal life. A lot has been going on, and I didn’t really get a chance to work on a poem for you guys until yesterday. Lately, I have taken an interest in life-related poems, so I hope you enjoy!


The Magic of Life

Magic is an illusion,
A thing to be wary of,
An escape.

If magic is an escape,
Then doesn’t that make
All escapes magical?

Reading, singing, dancing,
These are only a few ways we escape,
Escape from the harsh reality of life,
Of what is and is to come.

But isn’t that also the beauty of life?
Darkness is only the absence of light,
So isn’t the harshness of life simply
The absence of gentleness?
Or is it the other way around?

We often forget that escapes are temporary,
That we must face life like a soldier ready to battle.
That we must endure the hardships
And enjoy the joys.

Because life, like magic,
Isn’t black and white.
It isn’t always clear.
It’s muddy and hard to understand.

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